Pain Relief

In office, we are offering two sort of methods to assist the patients to reducing the pain.

IV Therapy

Intravenous (IV) infusion therapy is a treatment option for a variety of different pain syndromes including such conditions as fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, diabetic Neuropathy, etc. The medication infusions can also be used in special occasions for the treatment of severe depression and refractory headaches.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium works as a competitive NMDA receptor antagonist that decreases both acute and chronic pain by stabilizing abnormal nerve excitation. It’s effective in Fibromyalgia.

  • Vitamin B12

Many vitamins are taken as oral supplements to make up for deficiencies. However, intravenous injections of vitamins, especially B12, can be very effective for treating pain. Intravenous B12 has been found to decrease pain by a large amount.

  • GABA

GABA is derived from the amino acid Glutamic acid. It is found in large amounts in the Hypothalamus. GABA is a muscle relaxant, that decreases anxiety, aids in secreting growth hormone, promotes sleep, and helps with hypoglycemia. GABA is most often used as an an-anxiety remedy but has many other reported benefits. Supplementing with GABA can help with inflammation issues, which means it may provide relief for people with PMS or other conditions that come with chronic pain.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice of medicine. It involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective issues throughout the body with the goal of alleviating pain, tension, and stress. More broadly, acupuncture is a family of different procedures. Conceptually, it is believed to stimulate the body’s meridians, or energy-carrying channels, in an attempt to correct imbalances and restore health. These benefits are thought to be derived from the proximity of acupoints with nerves through intracellular calcium ions. Acupuncture has been demonstrated to enhance endogenous opiates, such as dynorphin, endorphin, encephalin, and release corticosteroids, relieving pain and enhancing the healing process.

  • Cupping Therapy

The body may find it very challenging to eliminate toxins or cell waste when they accumulate in the muscles or joints, leading to increased obstruction and discomfort. Cupping is advised in this situation. Cupping is a suction method used to draw toxins and muscular waste from the body’s deeper tissues to the skin’s surface. Once on the surface, the body can much more easily eliminate pollutants using the capillary system or external blood supply. The suction provides relief from muscle pain and inflammation.

  • Electroacupuncture 

Electroacupuncture provides an alternative route to seeking relief from chronic pain. The therapist sends an electric current between two needle points using small clips and acupuncture needles. The charge improves the blood supply and triggers the body’s natural pain relief. It also boosts energy flow between both points.

  • Moxibustion

The therapy known as Moxibuson involves burning Mugwort leaves. This plant, which is tiny and spongy, is thought to improve acupuncture-assisted healing. So, using a stick to impart heat, the leaves are burned just below the skin’s surface. According to Chinese Medicine, your body can handle a variety of difficulties, including digestive troubles and chronic pain, by increasing the circulation of Qi. So, Moxibuson’s goal is to promote the flow of Qi and maintain excellent health.

  • Acupressure

Acupressure Pain Relief is based on the points and principles of traditional Chinese Medicine, which emphasize preventing illness, dealing with the underlying causes in depth, and treating the whole person. Acvang potent Acupressure points smulates the body’s healing energy. The release of this healing energy, combined with deep breathing, affects the body’s biochemistry, and helps relieve pain naturally.