Functional & Preventive Medicine
Functional & Preventive Medicine

The Institute for Functional Medicine defines functional medicine as a systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual’s illness. Functional medicine is an approach that focuses on the optimal function of the body. This means helping the body function in the best way possible by focusing on efficiency in each organ. We can state that Functional Medicine is a proactive approach to treatment by addressing patients’ lifestyle habits and allowing positive changes here affect their illness and issues. For instance, a functional medicine practitioner discusses diet, exercise, and lifestyle alterations at the first consultation instead of waiting for the atherosclerotic plaques to line arterial walls. Applying the above example to functional medicine, addressing a patient’s nutrition can lead to a better and more well-rounded understanding of possible diseases and prevent them from occurring. As it is evident, by providing an efficient and high-quality health system for preventing diseases, we will have a healthier society.
The American College of Preventive Medicine defines preventive medicine as the practice of promoting preventive health care to improve patient well-being. The goal is to ultimately prevent disease, disability, and death. It considers factors influencing health, such as environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and genetic predispositions.
The services we will provide:
Dietary Education
We will provide the patients with a learning opportunity for healthy eating, including Nutrient education. We are trying to give accurate, efficient information about the nutrients based on each patient’s health information and their impacts on the body.
Liver Detoxification
Comprehensive Micronutrient Testing
Micronutrient testing is a comprehensive nutrient analysis that measures functional deficiencies at the cellular level of a person’s nutritional status. It assesses how efficiently the body utilizes vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites. Micronutrient testing is a specialty lab panel designed to functionally assess a patient’s nutritional status by measuring levels of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. These panels usually combine direct and functional markers of various nutrients to screen for deficiencies, evaluate for optimal nutrient status, and assess how micronutrients work in the body at a cellular level.
Micronutrient testing also plays a critical role in diagnosing and managing certain disease states, Like Digestive Malabsorption Disorders, Chronic fatigue, pain and Stress, Mood Disorder, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases.
Micronutrient deficiencies can affect metabolism and lead to difficult weight loss and gain, so those seeking weight management support may also benefit from micronutrient testing.
We will order appropriate tests based on the patient’s health situation, medical history, and physical exam to provide an accurate assessment for their treatment and management.